Tag: kids

A Crocheted Playground for Kids

Yesterday, while looking for some really cool things people crochet, I found this….. A playground that is actually crocheted!  I knew my girls would love it, and when I showed them the pics, they all said in unison “Coooollllll”…..I might even climb for a while 


>I can’t believe I haven’t posted since Wednesday.  I’m still here & I promise I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth!  The girls finished school last week and I tried to jump full force into decluttering my house.  I’m not off to a very 

Tips for Teaching Children to Crochet

My mother taught me to crochet when I was 5 years old.  I was in my 20’s when I picked up a hook again, but it didn’t take me long to become hooked (pun intended).  Naturally, now that I have 5 daughters of my own,