Lemon Meringue Medley Crochet Pattern Giveaway
My youngest two daughters LOVE Strawberry Shortcake. I wanted to make them something similar to the characters without stepping on copyright issues. This set was inspired by the colors Lemon Meringue wears and the bows she wears in her hair. Then I took the concept of the striped capris/tights and made leg warmers. So, here it is, my newest pattern….Lemon Meringue Medley. I will be giving away a copy of it for this weeks giveaway, and to kick off National Crochet Month (which begins tomorrow). To enter, use the rafflecopter box below (it may take a few seconds to load), make sure you’re a follower of my blog, and share your favorite childhood character with us.
To enter you need to:
1) Be a follower of this blog.
2) Answer this question…..What/Who is your favorite childhood character? (NOTE: I will not be making character hats/items with your comments, due to copyright issues. I’m just interested in hearing your favorites.)
Winner will be announced Thursday morning. (03/07)
I love cookie monster and chocalate cookies
Rainbow Bright and strawberry Shortcake. Also the very short lived Hugga bunch
I loved (!!) Inspector Gadget.
Cinderella and Raggedy Ann :)
I loved Cinderella as a little girl so many years ago. Always dreamed of falling in love with my prince. I found a frog….lol
WONDER WOMAN!!!! :D I was very proud of my Wonder Woman panties. ;) :)
Hmmm…my favorites were Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, and Punky Brewster. LOL
I liked (and still do) Jiminy Cricket.
PS The gray coloring in your Leave a Comment section is almost impossible to read.
My Lityle Pony Apple Jack
My favorite character has been and probably will always be Tigger!!
Strawberry shortcake
I loved Pebbles from The Flintstones!
I loved George Reeves as Superman!
As a child I loved Raggedy Ann and Andy.
I liked the Animaniacs :)
My favourite character is DAisy the duck!
Mine would have to be pagpuss
Holly Hobby, Mon-Chi-Chi, Rainbow Bright, Smurfette, Strawberry Shortcake. Ohhh how this brings back wonderful memories of my childhood! My girls too loved Strawberry Shortcake & her friends (they are 18 & 21 now)—I didn’t have the heart to part with their collection of strawberry shortcake dolls and still have them stored away to get out when they have children of their own:) Strawberry Shortcake is a timeless treasure!