Tag: Crocheting for a Cause

What to do When a Prayer Shawl Doesn’t Fit

The original prayer shawl ministry began in 1998 and has spread so much in the last 18 years. If you’ve never heard of it, to quick, overall concept is, you make a shawl and pray for the recipient before and while you’re making it, in 

Free Preemie Blanket Crochet Pattern

Free Preemie Blanket Crochet Pattern

I hold a special place in my have for parents who have lost a child. Having lost 5 babies to miscarriage, and having one sister who was stillborn, I have been try to help other mothers’ deal with those feelings.  I started a ministry last 

Crochet Resolutions for 2012

Looking back and reviewing, I realized my one resolution for 2011 was to go on a yarn diet…..to which I failed miserably, which is exactly why I don’t normally do “resolutions”.  If there is an area I want to work on, I don’t like to wait until 

Chemo Caps for Kids

         This is Natalie.  Natalie is a 7 year old girl that takes dance with my daughters.  This week she was diagnosed with Stage 2 Ovarian Cancer and is due to start chemo today.  Her mom was told, because of the type of 

The Heart In Hand Project

I’ve added another site to my Crocheting for a Cause page.  If you’re looking for a place to donate your crochet squares, Kelly from The Heart In Hand Project will gladly put them to good use.  She accepts squares that measure between 6, 7, 8 or 12 inches 

>2012 Special Olympics Scarf Project

>The Special Olympics already has all the info for 2012 scarf donations up.  If you’re interested you can get the colors, dates, etc. on their site.  I love the colors and I’m hoping to be able to send some their way this year. 2012 Special 

>Knit 1, Bless 2

>For those of you who have ever read a Debbie Macomber book you are well aware that she is an avid knitter.  For those who have never read one of her books, she has an entire series based on a yarn shop!  Even the books 

>Crocheting For A Cause

>I have added a link at the top of my page called “Crocheting for a Cause”.  It will have charities you can donate your finished products to.  If you have a charity you donate to, and you would like me to add it, please let me