Tag: yarn bombing

A Crocheted Playground for Kids

Yesterday, while looking for some really cool things people crochet, I found this….. A playground that is actually crocheted!  I knew my girls would love it, and when I showed them the pics, they all said in unison “Coooollllll”…..I might even climb for a while 

What Wouldn’t You Crochet?

Is there anything too wacky/weird to crochet?  I guess that depends on the artist, and the recipient.  My husband and I recently had this discussion.  I was surprised at his answer.  He thinks nothing for the bathroom should be crocheted.  Why?  Because, in his mind, 

>Crocheted Wildflowers

>Yarnbombing is such a touchy topic.  Most are either for it, or against it.  There are very few that are middle of the road.  With that being said, I found the perfect yarn bombing project . . . . . No one will be offended 

>Yarn Bombing Basics & Pics

> Ok, I did a post the other day about my opinions on the pros and cons of yarn bombing. (click here for post)  Some made comments that they didn’t know what it was, so I thought I would shed some light on the subject. According to 

Yarn Bombing Pros and Cons

With International Yarn Bombing Day right around the corner (June 11) I wonder if I’m the only one on the fence about this “sport”.  From everything I’ve read people either love it or think it’s ridiculous, so I’ve decided to put together a list.  (just