Search Results: dishcloths

Free Crochet Patterns

Accessories Apple Blossom Flower Hair Clip/Barrette Flower Cuff Bracelet Flower Headband Girls Cowl & Wristlets Irish Flag/St. Patrick’s Day Cowl Mesh Headband Super Quick Skinny Scarf Afghan Squares 8-Petal flower Square American Beauty Afghan Square Basket Weave Afghan Square Citrus Spray Afghan Square In Depth 

Ball Stitch Dishcloth

UPDATE – I often get asked how this is different from the puff stitch. They are very similar with only slight differences. The puff stitch is normally made with dc’s. The ball stitch is hdc’s. The puff stitch is normally a softer to-the-touch stitch, with 

Yarn Challenge 2010

>I just found this great challenge on She challenged herself to not buy any craft supplies for the entire year of 2009. She gave herself a budget of $2 a month ($24 for the year) in case there was something she absolutely needed to 

Crocheting with Cotton Woes

>It seems like I have been crocheting forever. The older I get the more my hands bother me. It all started with one of my pregnancies. I started to get symptoms similar to carpal tunnel syndrome. The painful cramps in my hand seemed to subsided, but after that