Addicted to Yarn

>Is there such a thing as too much yarn? I think I would have to vote “NO!” I have buckets, upon buckets of yarn and yet when I walk into the yarn section of a craft store I can’t help but look. I will buy yarn on sale and tell myself that I can use it for the next project I have in mind. Then I put it with my stash and when that project rolls around it doesn’t quite ‘fit’ what I had in mind. So, off I go to buy some more yarn.

Patterns are no better. I tell myself, “Oohhh, this is pretty. I can make this for ‘_____’s’ new baby. Years later you find the pattern and realize your friends child is graduating middle school or high school and they no longer need a baby blanket.  Am I the only one who has this problem.

Hear me out. I’m not complaining. I love looking through new patterns and/or shopping for yarn, but when my 3 year old asks me “Can we go to A.C.Moore today?” it makes me wonder if I have a problem. Am I alone in this dilemma?

Take my yarn poll (on the left) and let me know how addicted you are.

4 thoughts on “Addicted to Yarn”

  • >LOL, I'm right there with ya! My whole side of our walk in closet has bags, tubs and buckets of yarn! Oh, and don't forget the organizer drawer cart thingy that is also full.

  • >I am 84 years old and a male to bootand I have 35 complete scans of yarnand many many left over balls of yarnnylon string to make place mats and I love them all now all I have to do is find time to make lots more stuff.Joe Thillen

  • >My people!! I thought I was all alone out here…I am o.k.Yes, I am a yarn-aholic! Patterns are also a (stay up til mid-nite on a work night) little thing I like to collect. Is it not the most facinating thing to be able to take a piece of string & create something beautiful & useful! My daughter sent me your blog last week & I find myself checking in with you each day– I've never watched anyones before other than my daughters. Thanks!! Joseph is AWSOME!

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