Bathtime Buddies Crochet Book Review

Adorable! That’s the first word that came to mind when I saw this book.

Crochet Under the SeaBathtime Buddies 

The photos are great and draw you in to all the animals. Each creature is made with realistic colors and features.

crochet dolphin diverDolphin & Diver

This book is packed with 99 pages of stitch help (crochet stitches & embroidery stitches), clear color photos, instructions, and even a section on how to care for bath toys (and crocheted toys in general), including the best way to wash and dry them. It also includes a resource section and the yarns used for each project.

crochet orca whale

The animals all range from about 4″ – 10″, which is perfect for small hands.

Crochet guppies fish

But I’m wondering, do you think these would be good for my 11 year old daughter who wants to be a marine biologist? Or do they look too kiddie?

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