Author: Kristine

Crochet Wraps Every Which Way

When you purchase a book, or open a crochet magazine, do you pay attention to the pattern designers? I am one of those who reads every designer name…on every pattern. Each designer has their own style and over the years I have found that I 

Crochet Pink Review

It seems like everyone has, in one way or another, been affected by breast cancer. If it hasn’t affected us directly we either know someone, or have heard of someone who has won or lost their battle. So often we want to be able to 

Starting a Crochet Business

Do you think you’re ready to turn your crochet hobby into a business? There are tons of things to consider before making that leap, but when you’re ready here are 5 things to get you started. Research Business Names – When I first started selling 

Look How Far You’ve Come!

Are you frustrated with your crochet skills, or the lack of progress you think you’re making? Don’t put your hook down yet! Below is a picture of my first crochet project. There are 5 stitches in the left corner, and 3 stitches in the right. 

Customer Service is Key

I worked my entire outside-the-home career in customer service, from entry level all the way up, and I still believe in the slogan, “the customer is always right.” Don’t get me wrong, there will always be “those” customers that push your buttons BUT, for the 

One Stitch Forward, Two Stitches Back

I’m frogging my business! It’s time to rip-it out and start over. Ok, not completely, just the past year or so. I started this blog with the intention of helping others with their crochet skills. Somewhere along the way I bought into the hype that 

Simple & Sweet Baby Crochet

When I first received my copy of the new crochet book by Kristi Simpson I opened it up and immediately went into tech editor mode. The patterns are not written in the style that the majority of publishers in the industry use, BUT Kristi makes 

Preemie Basketweave Blanket Crochet Pattern

A few years ago a good friend of mine delivered a baby at 29 weeks also. I could not find a pattern I liked (I searched for weeks), so I finally decided it was time to design my own. I don’t know why it took 

I Love Yarn Day Sales for 2013

October 11th is I Love Yarn! Day by the Craft Yarn Council.  I’ve put together a list of sales that are running at craft stores. Ben Franklin Crafts – running local contests, drawings, and other celebrations Joann’s – TODAY ONLY, up to 50% off all yarn; 

Craftsy Blogger Award Nominations

Craftsy announced they are sponsoring a Craftsy Blogger Award! As I read this I thought, “There are SO many crafty blogs out there!” But, as I went on to read it actually said you could nominate yourself, and encourage others to nominate you and/or vote.