Breaking My Own Rules

Cancer . . . . to put it mildly, it stinks. Most of us have been affected by it, are survivors of it, or know someone who has been changed by it.

Breaking the Rules

Christmas Day will be one year since I lost my biological father to cancer. Two weeks ago we lost a good friend. Now a little 2 year old girl from church has been diagnosed with it. That was a turning point for me. I decided it was time to revisit a goal I had a couple years ago…..donate chemo hats to our local children’s hospital.

I contacted her mom and asked if I could make her a couple hats. We live in New England and it’s COLD! Her mom told me her favorite colors were pink and purple and that she loves Minnie Mouse and all things Disney Jr. {{Long pause}} For those that don’t know, I made a decision 2 years ago not to make anything with a copyright. (You can read about that decision here.)

It wasn’t much of a dilemma. How do you tell the mother of a 2 year old with cancer no? I could have, but instead I decided to bless her and hopefully put a smile on her face. Will I do this for everyone who asks? Absolutely not. But Christmas is coming, and I want this little girl and her family to forget about the road ahead and make some smiles this Christmas season.


6 thoughts on “Breaking My Own Rules”

  • I certainly won’t tell if you make a Minnie Mouse hat for that two-year old. I lost a good friend of mine when we were only 16 years old. Jeff came down with a fast-growing carcinoma of Prostate Cancer and was gone in 6 months. It hurts to this day to think of his passing.

  • It’s times like these that, to quote an acquaintance, ‘They’re more like guidelines than rules.” As I’m crying, I’m applauding your choice! Thank you.

  • I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Aug of 2014. I have finished treatment ts. But, it’s effects will be a daily reminder. You are one of my favorite designers! And I love seeing posts with your awesome daughters. Vickie Howell always says “knit on”. I say “crochet on!”

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